Saturday, August 25, 2007

Tara Bola

The lodestar speaks to the traveler, in this poem.


ravi said...

I had heard this on you video collections , and liked it very much . Simply told like "The God of Small Things"
Some of us miss so much in life by not enjoying the joys of nature. I am learning : Kamini gets more out of each day as you do !
Ravi Sharma

talvinsingh said...

Tara Bola is very enchanting,i Love the Flow of the Metre,will Love to find it in a Musical Composition
i will await for your Consent

Thanks for Sharing, Manjula

Talvin Singh

Manjul Bajaj said...


I'm glad you liked it. If you feel inspired to put it to music please feel free to do so - as long as you attribute the lyrics to me.


Unknown said...

I echo Talvin. In teen taal.